Representatives of international cooperation agencies and technical cooperation bodies from Azerbaijan, Egypt, Indonesia, Morocco, Palestine, Qatar Tunisia, Turkey and others, along with IsDB staff, met to share their experiences in South-South Cooperation and explore opportunities for collaboration to increase results on the ground.
During a roundtable panel on held on the sidelines of the 41st Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors of the Islamic Development Bank Group IsDB, PICA was nominated for the membership of the operational team responsible for developing a roadmap for enhancing effectiveness among IsDB MC and institutions.
The purpose of the operational team is to develop a roadmap for enhancing effectiveness among the institutions and with IsDB, to define the best ways for exchanging knowledge and development solutions among countries in the South, particularly through IsDB’s Reverse Linkage mechanism under its Technical Cooperation Program.
The team composed of representatives from the Egyptian Agency of Partnership for Development, the Ministry of National Development Planning of Indonesia, the Moroccan Agency for International Cooperation, the Palestinian International Cooperation Agency, and the Tunisian Agency for Technical Cooperation