To implements its programs in Latin America, PICA launched its first medical program in the Republic of Nicaragua in cooperation with the Ministry of Health and the Embassy of the State of Palestine in Managua. Dr. Alaa Azmi, head of the program related to transferring knowledge in spinal surgery at PICA, is responsible on implementing this program. It is worth mentioning that PICA signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Nicaragua to implement strategic medical programs for its benefit. Such programs elevate the level of medical service and training of Nicaraguan medical cadre on the latest specialized and surgical techniques in spinal surgery and the implementation of operations through Palestinian medical expertise and staff.
Imad Al-Zuhairi, PICA Director General, considered this medical program as part of a series of development programs implemented by PICA in Latin America to meet its previously expressed needs. This program falls within the framework of the contribution of the State of Palestine to the implementation of SDGs 2030, especially the third goal that is related to good health and well-being.
Al-Zuhairi added that Dr. Alaa Azmi will hold specialized seminars for the interests of the Nicaraguan health sector represented by the Ministry of Health, public hospitals, as well as departments of orthopedics, nursing, children, radiation, neurosurgery and anesthesia. In addition, doctor Azmi will examine patients and children and he will give a lecture for a group of doctors and medical students at the German Nicaraguan hospital. It is worth mentioning that PICA program in Nicaragua revolves around cooperation in development field, particularly in the fields of agriculture and health.