ISTANBUL – Represented by PICA, the State of Palestine participated in 2019 High-Level Forum of Directors General for Development Cooperation (DG Forum), held in Istanbul, Turkey. The Forum is organized by UNOSSC, IsDB, JICA and TIKA to discuss cooperation agencies scope of work that is related to SSTrC.
DG forum is a platform to discuss means and possibilities of implementing BAPA+40 recommendations, particularly with regard to strengthening national institutional frameworks in favor of technical and development cooperation in the framework of SSTrC, in addition to assessing the impact of development work by international cooperation agencies, and strengthening partnerships between UN member states.
PICA, represented by its Director General, Imad Al-Zuhairi, moderated the 2nd session about good practices in national institutional arrangements with the participation of panelists from Morocco International Cooperation Agency, General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Republic of Senegal, Chilean International Cooperation Agency for Development (AGCID) and China International Development Cooperation Agency (CIDCA).
On the sidelines of the forum, PICA held meetings with different cooperation agencies to discuss possibilities of implementing joint programs and projects in the upcoming year, in addition to participating in the 4th dialogue meeting of the development and international cooperation agencies of IsDB member states.