Following the instructions of H.E President Mahmoud Abbas & in accordance with the guidance of H.E Dr.Riad Al Malki, Minister of Foreign Affairs & Expatriates to strengthen bilateral relations between Grenada & Palestine & in line with, and as practical implementation to the signed agreements between H.E Ambassador Linda Sobeh Ali, Ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of the State of Palestine to Grenada and the Senior competent officials in Grenada to initiate development actions in different Sectors. The first Medical Program was implemented at St. George General Hospital, in full cooperation with the Palestinian Ministry of Health, Medical Association – Jerusalem Center, the Embassy of the State of Palestine to the Caribbean, & the official Palestine broadcasting Chanel PBC.
The Medical team of Palestine arrived for a humanitarian Medical mission to extend solidarity to the brotherly people of Grenada. The team consists of General Surgeons, anaesthesiologists, ophthalmic surgeons, Urologist, Breast oncoplastic surgeon, Traumatologist, and nurses. Through this cooperation between both our countries, we are looking forward to Achieving SDG3 through a collaborative effort aiming to promote the well-being in Grenada. We are deploying highly qualified medical professionals. Our team was tailored in line with your specific needs. Our personnel are all highly qualified, registered, accredited, and have extensive experience in remote site Medical, Rescue and Security Management and they are serving as volunteers in this mission in a spirit of solidarity as clear reflection to the ties of friendship between both our countries and peoples.