The Palestinian International Cooperation Agency (PICA), represented by H.E. Ambassador Imad Zuhairi, Assistant Minister for International Cooperation – Director General of PICA, bids a heartfelt farewell to H.E. Dr. Riad Malki Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates, thanking him for his support, dedication and his invaluable efforts in representing and struggling to realize the aspirations of our Palestinian people and their just cause on the international arena.
PICA warmly welcomes the newly appointed Primer Minister- Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates H.E. Dr. Mohammad Mustafa, and the newly appointed Minister of State for Foreign Affairs H.E. Mrs. Farsin Aghabakian, expressing confidence in their leadership for achieving the national aspirations in embodying the sovereign State of Palestine with East Jerusalem as capital, and in perusing the full attainment of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people granted by the UN charter and international law.