Palestinian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research confirmed its readiness to provide the necessary expertise for relevant PICA activities with the aim to enhancing the Palestinian identity on international level through development programs under 2030 UNSDG’s.
Joint cooperation programs were discussed during a meeting between the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, H.E Prof. Mahmoud Abu Mouis, and PICA Director General, Imad Al-Zuhairi and teams. Both parties agreed to sign a memorandum of understanding (MoU) and to proceed with specific activities in higher education and research.
The Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, H.E Prof. Mahmoud Abu Mouis, stated “we are ready to provide support in different areas pertaining to higher education and scientific research to best represent Palestine while helping friendly countries and peoples.”
H.E Prof. Abu Mouis presented his Ministry’s new strategy in promoting the scientific research and stressed the importance of this sector which can be further developed and compete with internationally.
Imad Al-Zuhairi stated that PICA was established under the directions of H.E President Mahmoud Abbas to consolidate the identity of Palestine and transfer the distinguished Palestinian expertises to other countries in need.
Al-Zuhairi also explained how PICA serves as ” the public diplomacy tool for the State of Palestine”.
Al-Zuhairi added that PICA areas of work are based on the transfer of specialized knowledge in different fields, the contribution to international relief efforts through Palestinian Rapid Response and Rescue Team (PRRRT), in addition to enhancing Palestinian investments abroad.
Al-Zuhairi also stated that PICA contributes to the development of plans and policies at the international and regional levels, based on important partnerships linking PICA with specialized international organizations and governments and also based on the membership of the State of Palestine in a large number of international bodies.
Al-Zuhairi explained that PICA mission is based on solidarity through development, assistance and support to others, and this new approach of providing falls within the frame of the Palestinian public diplomacy to share, to participate and to give within the available resources mainly human ressources.
Both parties agreed on a number of practical steps that will lead to implement different programs in line with their respective responsibilities and mandates.