TURIN – PICA participates in UN Catalytic Support to South-South & Triangular Cooperation in Implementing the 2030 Agenda, held in Turin, Italy from 29th to 31st Oct 2019.
The course is organized by the UN System Staff College in close cooperation with the UN Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC).
The training targets UN staff and development practitioners; governments and institutional focal points on South-South and Triangular Cooperation.
The course aims mainly at building a common understanding of the theory and practice of South-South and Triangular Cooperation as a means of development cooperation. It equiped participants with the key principles, tools and methods needed to comprehend the challenges and opportunities inherent in the approach, as well as to better understand the roles of actors involved and to mobilize relevant partnerships.
Morover, the three-day training explored the catalytic role the UN can play in helping to further promote the South-South Cooperation agendas of its member states and development partners as a whole. This was done through intensive lectures, interactive activities and groupwork.
As PICA was established on the back of the adoption of the 2030 Agenda and its new paradigm for development, this training contributed immensely to the capacity building of PICA representative; and is in line with PICA culture of harnessing continuous learning , innovative mindsets, and an ability to aquire and share knowledge pertaining to working within the framework of SSC and TC.