Believing in the necessity to benefiting from the distinctive and pioneering experiences of the State of Palestine, and within the scope of interest to transfer and exchange qualified Palestinian expertise with different parts of the world and due to the fact that the capital of the State of Palestine is mainly based on specialized human resources,
The Palestinian International Cooperation Agency was honored to sign today a cooperation agreement with
Dr. Nizar Hajjah, Pediatric Cardiothoracic Surgeon, to become Head of Pediatric Surgery Knowledge Transfer Program established by PICA, through which development programs will be carried out for countries in need within the framework of the contribution by the State of Palestine to implement the International Development Goals 2030.
We are very proud to welcome Dr. Nizar Hajjeh in PICA’s family, which includes the best experts in Palestine and looks forward to the implementation of development programs which reflect the spirit of solidarity and cooperation between the countries of the South.
PICA team welcomes Dr. Nizar Hajja and wishes him and colleagues all success in serving the interests of our country. We remain confident that his contribution to our work will contribute to the promotion of the identity of Palestine worldwide and will help our efforts to gain more solidarity with our legitimate and inalienable rights.