Location: | Sudan | Term of Cooperation: Aug. – Dec. |
Implementing Organizations: | PICA | SDG: ![]() |
Background: | This project is implemented by the Palestinian International Cooperation Agency in partnership with the Islamic Development Bank and the Federal Ministries of Finance and Economic Planning and Health in Sudan. The program is being implemented within the framework of the reverse linkage project between Sudan and Palestine to develop the capabilities of the National Public Health laboratory NPHL. | |
Purpose: | Strengthening the health system in the country of Sudan, especially after the outbreak of the “Covid-19” epidemic. | |
Outputs: | 1- Providing medical equipment to NPHL by the IsDB. 2- More than 340 participants were trained, 42% Males, 58% Females 3- The online workshop was able to reach the lab workers in Khartoum and many other states, The trainees geographical distribution was 61% from Khartoum and 39% from other states. 4- The improvement of knowledge was 11% better, comparing the pre assessment evaluations to the post assessment evaluations for each course. | |
Activities: | 1- Delivering 5 different training work shops via online platforms, of the following topics: Applied Bioinformatics/// Introduction to Health Research Methods and Research Ethics, ///Laboratory Quality Management,/// Epidemiology in Public Health: an introduction for biomedical scientists, ///The role of microbiology and virology in infection prevention and control programs. 2- The workshop were delivered by experts from BirZeit University and Al-Quds University, with the participation of Sudanese experts from the diaspora. 3- The trainees’ evaluation of the project was 41% Very Good and 42% Excellent. | |
Working Framework: | Formulated and funded by IsDB, Implemented by PICA experts from BirZeit and AlQuds Universities, with the participation of a number of Sudanese experts from the diaspora, in partnership with the Federal Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning, ministry and Health in Sudan. | |
Beneficiaries: | NPHL workers of Sudan. |