PICA staff will need to clearly understand the vision and goals of PICA so as to be able to ensure the relevance and effectiveness of PICA programs and projects. Staff, most likely to be seconded from MoFA, must also have a broad knowledge and understanding of the Palestinian context and a good background in international cooperation and the development sector.
An appropriately designed structure comprises a framework through which the activities of the organization can be planned, directed and controlled across different levels, units and positions. The structure defines and facilitates tasks and responsibilities, work roles and relationships, and channels of communication. It is important to continuously review the structure to ensure that it is appropriate for the agency’s needs.
The tentative staff for PICA shall comprise a number of positions, to which key responsibilities are allocated. Those responsibilities were defined in a consultative process between the Consultant and MoFA staff, together with UNDP support with regard to the functions that PICA shall perform. The responsibility for function implementation lies with the individual staff, while the performance of each and the completion of responsibilities shall be supervised through the Policy Unit at PICA.
The necessary skills of the relevant staff of both PICA and MoFA (International Cooperation Directorate) that will participate in PICA’s projects through drafting proposals, project formulation, and budgeting need to be continuously developed through training programs and capacity development. Furthermore, potential risks, and opportunities for mitigating those risks, need to be identified and defined. For example, issues of funding, potential overlaps with other institutions, participation of Palestinians, the role of embassy personnel, and relationships with donors.